Healthy People, Healthy Planet, Healthy Way of Life
Life Time Foundation inspires Healthy People, a Healthy Planet, and a Healthy Way of Life.
The Life Time Foundation was established to inspire Healthy People, a Healthy Planet and a Healthy Way of Life. Beginning in 2011, the Life Time Foundation prioritized the “Healthy People” aspect of its mission by supporting children’s health through youth nutrition and youth movement programs.
With an eye toward the “Healthy Planet” element of its mission, the Life Time Foundation has expanded this focus area to support forestation, restoration, and conservation efforts that positively impact the environment for future generations to live a Healthy Way of Life.
Focus Areas
Conserving, preserving, and protecting the environment, so everyone can live healthy, happy lives.
Supporting school food leaders in serving the most nourishing, delicious food possible.
Empowering all kids to be active for life.
What’s New?
Planting a Pocket Forest in Minneapolis
Spending time in nature benefits both individual and community health. As part of our Healthy Planet mission, we partnered with SUGi to plant 1,400 densely packed trees and shrubs and create a pocket forest for the McKinley Neighborhood Association. With volunteer help and ongoing care from youth at WE WIN, a non-profit for children’s social and academic success, these rapidly growing plants will mature and provide the community with shade from heat, fresh produce to harvest, and space to learn about the environment and reconnect with nature.