Foundation Athletes

Athlete Features

Our Foundation Athletes put meaning to their miles.

We love our Foundation Athletes! Thanks to their hard work and fundraising efforts, we are able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars that all go towards our life-changing mission of inspiring Healthy People, a Healthy Planet, and a Healthy Way of Life. We’ve asked some of our athletes to share their stories in hopes that they inspire you on your own athlete journey!

If you are a Foundation Athlete and want to share your story with us, fill out this short survey.

  • Adam Funk


    Adam is competing in the Leadville 100 MTB as a REPEAT Foundation Athlete. Four years ago, a biking accident left him with four broken vertebrae. Today, he has a fusion of six vertebrae in his back. In 2023, Adam wanted to challenge himself and found that the Life Time Foundation aligned with what he was trying to do and leading a healthier lifestyle. He enjoyed representing the Foundation so much that he wanted to do it again this year!

    The Life Time Foundation’s mission of Healthy People, a Healthy Planet and a Healthy Way of Life is what inspires Adam the most, as he knows way too many people who have led unhealthy lives and continue to battle chronic illness because of it. “Getting healthy at an early age sets you up for a healthy life!” He believes that a Healthy Planet is just as important in the grand scheme of living a healthy life. For example, without good air quality, any exercise you do could have a negative impact on your life — it’s all intertwined!

  • Avery Matthews


    Avery is competing in the Leadville 100 Run as a Foundation Athlete. She chose to become a Foundation Athlete because of the Life Time Foundation’s commitment to the health of our young people. Avery especially connects to the movement aspect of our mission. “Raising healthy and strong youth can change the world – movement is medicine. It’s one thing to tell a child to exercise but it’s a whole different ballgame to teach children why they should move and give them creative outlets to do so.”

  • Barbara Powell


    Barbara is a holistic performance coach, lifelong runner, and the proud finisher of the 2023 Leadville 100 trail run. Coming from a family of 12, Barbara learned early on that movement and nutrition are the cornerstones of wellbeing. She attributes so much of her adult health to the accessible foundation she had growing up.

    Through the Foundation Athlete Program, Barbara now has the chance to pay it forward and ensure every child has the same opportunities.

  • Bill Shearn


    Bill transformed his life through mountain biking – a journey that helped him shed an incredible 300lbs and led him to pursue the ultimate challenge: racing the Leadville 100!The experience was nothing short of amazing - the training, the competition, all in one of the world’s most prestigious and demanding endurance MTB races. What makes it even more special? Bill gets to help others along the way, a source of immense pride.

    For Bill, chasing audacious goals and stepping beyond one’s comfort zone is truly transformative. He knows that hard work reaps incredible rewards and is continually inspired by the boundless generosity of people. Motivation may ebb and flow, but nurturing a strong sense of ‘why’ and purpose infuses every challenge with deeper meaning.

  • Dana Morris


    Dana is not only a Silver Rush and Leadville 100 MTB athlete, but also a dedicated NICA coach and GRIT Coordinator. In her roles with NICA, she enjoys guiding student athletes as they have fun, build confidence, and form lasting friendships. She was drawn to the Life Time Foundation’s mission to inspire Healthy People, a Healthy Planet, and a Healthy Way of Life because it promotes sustainable healthy habits for youth.

  • Eli Wininger


    Eli is all about fun, passion, discipline, and a healthy dose of goofiness, especially when he's out on the trails. With 8 ultra marathons and 3 Ironmans under his belt, Eli is no stranger to endurance sports. As a running and triathlon coach, he's on a mission to help people achieve their wildest goals.

    Eli's deep-seated passion lies in helping people shed weight through proper nutrition and discovering the right physical activities for them. That's why the mission of LTF (presumably, the Foundation he's associated with) aligns perfectly with his purpose, fueling his determination to complete the LT100 run in an impressive 23 hours.

    He firmly believes that discipline and consistency in your program make up 99% of the battle, while the specific workouts matter less. Patience in seeing gradual progress rather than instant results is the key to long-term success and injury prevention.

  • Glen Finch


    Glen is n avid cyclist with an insatiable love for the outdoors and savoring good food. He's known to appreciate a fine glass of wine and a refreshing beer. Glen channels his passion for cycling towards a greater cause, raising awareness and funds for a meaningful mission.

    Through his journey, Glen has gained invaluable lessons in determination, confidence, and self-worth. He's learned the importance of teamwork and how to handle the inevitable disappointments along the way. Setting events as milestones and attaching them to a cause bigger than himself keeps him motivated in training.

    In a story that's not just inspiring but truly remarkable, Glen signed up for the LT100 in January, faced a diagnosis of aggressive cancer in February, underwent a courageous operation in April, and astonishingly completed his very first LT100 in August.

  • Ian Atkinson


    Ian has been a lover of nature since his childhood days of collecting rocks and getting lost in his backyard in Austin, TX. During a thru-hike of the Colorado Trail in 2017, he fell in love with the state and decided to make the permanent transition in 2021, where he finished climbing all 58 Colorado 14ers, and became one of the few people to complete Colorado’s 100 Highest Centennial Peaks.

    For his next challenge, Ian is setting his sights on the infamous Leadville 100. While the goal of the 14ers and Centennials was more of a solo journey, Ian wants to focus his 100 mile run on community and giving back. As someone who lived in Leadville for a winter season, raising charitable donations for kids and conservation efforts in the area will make the experience all the more meaningful.

  • John Wintersteen


    John found his calling in bikes, which helped him sehed ove 140 pounds after a lifelong struggle with obesity. John is dedicated to helping school kids lead active, healthier lives. He’s driven by a desire to spare others the challenges he faced as a child. He firmly believes that anything is achievable, one pedal or step at a time.

  • Jonathan Zeif


    Jonathan is competing in the Marathon & Heavy Half as a Foundation Athlete. He became a Foundation Athlete because he believes that our mission of promoting healthy habits for the next generation is extremely important. While the Life Time Foundation’s mission encompasses all areas of a child’s health, from movement, nutrition, and nature, Jonathan resonates the most with nutrition and movement. “Health is one of the most important things to pay attention to in our lives.”

  • Michael Boyd


    Michael is competing in the Leadville 100 Run as a Foundation Athlete. The Life Time Foundation’s mission of Healthy People, a Healthy Planet, and a Healthy Way of Life is what inspired Michael to compete as a Foundation Athlete, as this is extremely important to him and his family.

    Growing up, Michael’s family didn’t prioritize Healthy People or a Healthy Planet, so he’s made it his personal mission to change that for himself and his kids. This is why he exercises and pays attention to what he eats. “You get one life, one body, and one planet to live on. Gotta take care of it!” Additionally, Michael’s wife is a schoolteacher, so they’re both passionate about ensuring kids get proper nutrition to lead healthy lives.

  • Natalya Wallin


    Natalya is an ultrarunner and unapologetic dreamer. She thrives on big mountains, big ideas, and big challenges, all while being deeply passionate about nature-based solutions and meaningful impact. When she’s not conquering trails, Natalya has dedicated herself to global anti-trafficking efforts, sustainable apparel, and is currently focused on the future of food, nutrition, and agriculture.

    For Natalya, every run is a journey with a purpose - a chance to support something she holds dear while doing what she loves. She understands the power of camaraderie among fellow runners and embraces the collective journey.

  • Sam Schwaller


    Sam is a dedicated Life Time employee, currently serving as the Facility Engineer at the Collierville, TN location. Beyond his professional roles, Sam wears many hats—a loving husband to Brittni and a proud father of three.

    Sam's love for the Leadville 100 shines through—he's earned five buckles and has his sights set on adding at least five more as a dedicated Foundation Athlete in the years ahead. Always on the lookout for ways to contribute to the company's growth, events, and foundation, Sam is a true asset to the community.