Healthy Planet Resources
Why does a Healthy Planet matter? Our partners at American Forests and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation have provided us with some helpful links to learn more about the importance of conserving, preserving, and protecting our environment.
American Forests Articles
Tree Equity - Trees are life-saving infrastructure.
Resilient Forests – Restoring America’s large forest landscapes.
Tree Equity Score – Ensuring tree cover in cities is equitably distributed.
Unprecedented funding for American Forests, America’s forests
Unprecedented urban forest funding made law through historic climate bill
A giant task: fixing California’s reforestation pipeline – How restoration in the Southern Sierra is serving as a model for the American West
Tree Equity Workforce Network offers crucial support for pre-employment programs
The race to save the whitebark pine – A tree in distress, a lab in the countryside and a winged reforestation crew
The quiet crisis in America’s forests – The solutions to the seed shortage are out there, but will we apply them in time?